Monday, May 11, 2009

Walt's 3rd day.

Walt woke up the next day and decided that it was a good day to do nothing. He fed Daisy, washed the dishes and sat around. By noon, he was thoroughly bored out of his mind, so he decided to go to the pub and chat it up with some locals. Walt stepped outside, and almost knocked over a women who looked about the same age as she was walking down the sidewalk. "Im sorry, ma'am" I wasn't looking where I was going, are you alright?" She looked at Walt for a minute as if seeing if he really meant what he was saying. "well, Im fine. don't trouble yourself over it." Walt smiled for the first time in a long time. "Im glad to hear that, I'm going over to the pub to get some lunch, would you care to join me?" She looked at him again, and said "well, im on my way to an appointment right now, but if you give me your number ill certainly call you later." Walt gave her his number, and when they realized that they lived next to each other they both chuckled and said good bye. Walt continued on his way towards the pub and was stopped by a man who asked him if he wanted to buy this absurd ass painting that he was toting around, Walt looked at him and the goddamn hippie ran off.
Walt finally got to the pub and ordered the lunch special along with a beer. When his food came, he began to dig in when Miles the owner of the food mart, walked up and said "mind if i sit down?"

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